Legal notice
Airpark Business Center
Airport Boulevard B210
77836 Rheinmünster
Phone: +49 7229 1847-0
Fax: +49 7229 1847-200
Court of Registration and commercial register number:
Local Court of Mannheim, Germany, HRB 210433
VAT number: DE 143 754 253
WEEE reg. no. 65862200
Managing director: René Ohlmann
Responsible person pursuant to Art. 55 (2) of the German Interstate Broadcasting Agreement (Rundfunkstaatsvertrag, RStV):
René Ohlmann (address as above)
General information on the product characteristics, right to make changes
All the information and data on our web pages has been compiled with great care and represents the current product portfolio, level of development and expertise of our company. They are provided for the purpose of information and therefore do not constitute an invitation to enter into an agreement in the legal sense.
Misprints, editorial oversights and other errors in relation to the pictures, technical descriptions and pricing details are excepted and we accept no responsibility for the incorrect display of the content on our web pages in particular web browsers as a result of technical progress.
All product illustrations are indications only and do not correspond to the original size of the product. Please direct any queries concerning the up-to-dateness of the information, technical details and the availability of our products and services to the above e-mail address. This address can also be used for other communications, suggestions and any criticism you may have.
You may create links to our website. However, commercial service providers may only create links to our pages with our prior consent. The information on our pages may not be changed or falsified.
We provide no assurances as to the quality, correctness of content and/or compliance with the law of pages to which we have links on our website. At the time the links were created, there was no discernible illegal content on the linked pages. The current or future design and presentation of the content on the linked pages is outside our control. We therefore expressly dissociate ourselves from any illegal content on any of our linked pages (including all sub-pages) and accept no responsibility whatsoever in this regard.
ADDI-DATA, MSX-Box, MSX-E and APCI-1500 are registered trademarks of ADDI-DATA GmbH.
Delphi, Turbo Pascal, Turbo C, Turbo Basic, Borland C, Borland C++ are registered trademarks of Borland Software Corporation.
Microsoft C, Visual C, Visual Basic, Windows, Windows 10/7/XP/NT/2000/98, Windows NT Embedded, Windows CE, Windows 3.11 and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, DIAdem and DASYLab are registered trademarks of National Instruments Corporation.
VxWorks is a registered trademark of Wind River System, Inc.
QNX is a registered trademark of QNX Software Systems.
RTX is a registered trademark of IntervalZero (formerly Ardence).
CompactPCI® is a registered trademark of PCI Industrial Computer Manufacturers Group.
Privacy policy
More about our privacy policy here:
Last revised: 08/06/2021